
Posts Tagged ‘Merrymead Farm Fall Off Wagon Root Bear Reading Draft C’

The goods from Merrymead Farm

I have been diligently trying to cut out sugar and needless calories from my less than advisable diet to try to lose some of the pounds I’ve packed on in the last 16 months.

As a lover of sweets it is tough.  Every now and then I fall off the wagon.  Tonight was one of those times.  Heading home from an after-work event I was drawn to Merrymead Farms.  I didn’t go for ice cream (which is heavenly there), I went for one of the oddball sodas they sell.

Then I walked past the baked goods, the marked down Easter candy and the chocolate covered marshmallows my grandmother loved – and wrote me a thank you note for giving to her in 2000 (she passed away in 2002 and I still have the note she sent me afterwards, apologizing for the delay because she had a cold.  I miss her).

Anyway, before I got out of the joint I spent $16 on Chocolate Milk, a root beer, chocolate covered marshmallows, caramels and a “peach melba loaf”.

A side note on the root beer.  I’ve never heard Reading Draft before.  It was better then the big brands (Barqs, A & W, Hires, etc.)  Not the best I’ve ever had.  But very good.  Try it.  Good flavor – not that bubble gum type flavor you get from Barqs.  Hate that stuff.

I hate myself.  But the marshmallows and root beer are the only thing I ate.

Ok.  I drank the chocolate milk too.

It’s all good.  When carrot sticks taste this good, I’ll switch to them.  Until then…



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